Thursday, November 13, 2014

"Bear"ly Fenced Ranch

Now here is the scenario:  On a beautiful morning in October we're on our way to Yellowstone National Park, flying down a wide-open highway, through ranch land and open country, at a pretty good clip. In this part of the world, where a ranch gate is common and often a status symbol, we flew by the Curlew Creek entrance and said, Whoa! What was that on the gate entrance? We actually had to turn around and take another look ... it looked so authentic from a distance ... yep, the little bear is there ... now that is pretty cool!

What is that crawling up the Curlew Creek gate?

Is it alive?

Is this a cute little bear or what?

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Maybe this post just "bear"ly qualifies for a link up to "Good Fences" : - )


  1. Yes, that's cute all right. Glad it wasn't going anywhere. :-)

  2. How delightful. We have done that turn-around thing for a photo as well.

  3. oh that is cute. It has its purpose. They love to do that. I live in Black bear land.

    Like the fence. Typical fence at our camps up North..

  4. how very cute!! hi, john! nice to see you're still around blogland! thanks for sharing this cute gate!

  5. I can see why you would do a "double-take" and stop. It's a darling little bear for sure and makes for a great entryway.

  6. Isn't he a cute little thing. Certainly would make for a second look.

    We spotted some bear prints up at HT around our little pond. Haven't seen a bear in person yet, though we have seen them on our wildlife camera.

  7. I would have done a doubletake too. I was thinking I would comment that he's in the perfect place for a decoration, then I saw HE IS! :) Cute!

  8. Lindo!! parece um belo vigilante rsss


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