Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dubois, Wyoming -- 1941

 "Real Photo" postcard "Dubois, Wyo. From the West" postmarked 1941. Someone wrote "April 3" near the top of the correspondence ... not sure if that was the sender or recipient. In any event, the message states, "Last skiing today at Jackson Hole. Will be crossing Wyo. tomorrow & then Nebraska and Iowa. Ought to be home next week Apr 8th or 9th approx.  Thanks for check but do not need.  S." The card was published by Sanborn, with their card # Y-2199. Sanborn was a prolific publisher of real photo postcards.

Have you ever received a note from a friend or relative saying thanks for the check ... but they do not need it?

Linking up today with Good Fences.  Yes, there is a fence in the photo ... well, you must look carefully ... at least we can see the posts going across the center about 2/3 from top ... not sure though if it is a "good" fence ... we hope so. LOL

Wondering where Dubois is located?  (Thanks to Google Maps)

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. No, I've never received that response from a check before! I can't imagine what the circumstances must have been in such a case. We are only a week away from Christmas, John, are you ready? :-)

    1. I am not ready, how about you? :-) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Santa will take care of everything. :-)

  2. How fun with this postcard. I guess the check was sent in an envelope.:)
    And, yes, when I enlarged your photo, I actually saw at least 2 and I think, 3, fences there. Neat pic'
    I am now following you thru Google Friend Connect.

  3. NO that has never happened to me. yes can see the fence (just)

  4. i see a good fence running through that scene. :) too funny on the 'not needed' check. :)

  5. What a nice postcard, and no, I've never received a note that said 'thanks for the check, but I don't need it."

  6. Wow, someone who says they don't need a check, lol. I think that is the first for me. I do love the scenery in the post card.

  7. That's Wyoming for sure. The middle of nowhere ..:)

  8. Sounds like a good type of friend/relative to have! ;)

  9. What a cool post. Love the old shot and postcard.


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