Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Most Fair Belles

This old postcard pushes the limits of the envelope (no pun intended) when it comes to collecting Yellowstone memorabilia. According to the front of the card, "Pretty girls, pretty girls, everywhere, But the Montana Belles are claimed most fair." We will leave it up to you, dear followers, to tell us if this is accurate. The card shows the Belles surrounding the Grand Canyon (of Yellowstone, of course) from Artist's Point. What we don't know is whether other "Belles" postcards were printed up for other locations, and if those Belles were also claimed to be most fair.

Now, the back of this card ...

Close up of the message ...

The message as best we can determine ...

Dear cousin, I received your letter and will answer it soon. How is every one back there? We are having pretty fair weather here. I went to the S. C. with my aunt last Friday. Answer soon. Leona

Info for card collectors ...
Raphael Tuck & Sons
“Our Belles” Postcard No. 2801
Art Publishers to their Majesties the King and Queen
Processed in Saxony

Postmark Billings, Mont.
1914 Feb 26

In a rather unusual notation ... the recipient of the card noted the date received as 2 – 28 – 14 10:30 AM ... AND, since the card has been in our collection prior to last February, we don't think it took 100 years and two days to be delivered.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Yes, we are all the way around the century, back to 14 again. I wouldn't have caught that if you hadn't pointed it out. The belles are pretty in a rather quaint sort of fashion, don't you think? :-)

  2. They look pretty to me to be fair. I have no objection. Gals will be gals in all fashion.

  3. Wonder what the S.C. is? Well those girls are really dolled up for the photo. I'll have to tell my girlfriend from Montana about these "Belles".

  4. pretty cute. i'm wondering if any men moved out to marry a belle?

  5. Pretty card with all the belles. : )

  6. That's a pretty neat card. The colors remind me of postage stamps from that era--also enjoyed seeing the stamp on the back. I wonder if the sender ever thought her card would be read in 2014; it must have seemed like such a long time in the future! In Grundy County, IA there's a tradition of visitors to the courthouse leaving their signature in the clock/bell tower. One of the signatures is dated '06, and the custodian told us it was there long before 2006--neat to see.


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....