Sunday, December 21, 2014

Winter [Again]

We can't find a better card to celebrate the Winter Solstice ...

A magnifier (for us, at least) helps to read the copyright ... it's 1906 by O. Benedict, Chicago. We had no success trying to find more info about O. Benedict, but she/he did several other postcards in about the same time period. The little winter scene, that appears tacked onto the card, has "St. John" below ... trust us, we are not that old, so it doesn't refer to us.  There is also a very small number, 164, in the lower right corner ... not sure how it relates ... publisher, artist, or printer.  O. Benedict did one of these cards for each season.

Winter (according to the calendar) officially begins at the point of Winter Solstice (in the northern hemisphere) on Sunday, December 21, at 3:03 PM PST. Here is everything you need to know about Winter Solstice at


Back of the card is simple ... during this time period the back of a postcard could ONLY be used for the address ... postage was 1 cent domestic, 2 cents foreign ...

Let us be the first to wish you a fine winter!

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Oh, Happy Solstice, John. I will go follow that link now. :-)

  2. John, such a happy, wonderful post to celebrate the beginning of winter! This fun vintage post card brought a big smile to my face. Love the tumbling bears loose mitten, hat and shadow. Oh my goodness ... only 1 cent for postage ... unheard of!

    I've been meaning to write you and let you know how much I appreciate the especially gracious, positive and kind comments you leave on my blog posts. Of all the remarks I see, yours always touch my heart the most. Thank you so very much for your thoughtful words. Reading comments like yours, makes me want to get outside and capture photographs of wildlife all day long ... if only I could manage such a thing :) I am very appreciative of the time it takes for you to read a post and make such thoughtful comments. In today's world, so many people just do not have the time. Thank you kindly, John!

    I can see that you have been posting quite regularly on John's Island over the last few months. I wish I had the time to go through each and every one of your marvelous posts, but we have been very busy this year working on completing our house. My fingers are crossed that we will move in at the end of spring 2015. Hopefully then I will have much more time to visit your terrific blog more often.

    May the season bring you and your family all the blessings of health and prosperity, joy and peace. Best wishes for a joyous holiday and a Happy New Year!

  3. That's adorable! Reminds me of the Little Bear books.

    So you couldn't write anything on the postcard but the address? I wonder why. Maybe it would be confusing to the postmaster? Haha... I wonder how many people cheated, just a little. "Hi! That's all. Bye." :-)

  4. a great card for winter. Happy Winter to you too. Now I just wish the snow would get here!!

  5. A sweet illustration for this start of winter!

  6. What a great blast from the past! I didn't know that about the address on post cards.

  7. Cute post! I love the card. Happy winter to you to. I know I'm looking forward to it because we will start getting more daylight hours and before you know there will be plants pushing their way up the ground in the Pacific Northwest :-)

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog today. I did know about transferring different images and photos to fabrics but haven't tried it yet. There is always something new to try if one has enough time, lol.

    Have a wonderful Christmas John in case I don't get a chance to visit again in the flurry of last minute activities.


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