Friday, May 17, 2019

May 17 at Green Lake

Walking in the rain today at Green Lake ...

At the start of today's walk ...
Light rain, 53F (11C)
At Green Lake, May 17th  6:20 AM

Several humans enjoying the water.
At Green Lake, May 17, 2019

Mom and some little ducklings.One duckling almost out of sight on left behind greenery.
At Green Lake, May 17, 2019

Geese family ... probably the same family we've seen before.I say that based on where they are in the Park.
At Green Lake, May 17, 2019

Puddle art/selfie.
I have a old friend who must be in EVERY photo he takes.
Yes, I mean every photo.
So, I thought of him when I snapped this.

At Green Lake, May 17, 2019

Now tell me, have you ever seen something like this before?
The fisher-bird seems to be saying something to the fisher-human.
Maybe not so complimentary?
My money goes on the heron for first catch.

At Green Lake, May 17, 2019


  1. LOL-About the friend that likes taking selfies. I hate taking selfies!
    54°F seems pretty cool for swimming to me...but then what do I know!
    Have a really great Friday- Diana

  2. That is funny! I wonder what the Heron thinks of him?

    There is pier at the beach we go to where the Pelicans stand right next to the people. They know they will get handouts! They don't bother anyone. One was even eye-to-eye with one of my boys when he was about four. Pelican didn't move, just looked. We walked by quick. :)

  3. Nice selfie, John! I like those boots.

  4. Hello, love the ducks, geese and the heron photo. Great reflection selfie capture. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend.

  5. That is a really cool picture of the fisherman and the heron. My money is on the heron.

  6. That last one is a great catch! Lol.

  7. Always something to see on your walks and some things become familiar everyday.

  8. Even in the rain, you find lovely things to capture. I like the selfie.That kind of selfie I can do, ones that show my face, not so much. It would be fun to read that Heron's mind.Hmmm?

  9. ...John, you are a dedicated fellow, walking in the rain isn't fun. I hope that the sun comes out soon.

  10. Hello John, very nice images in the rain. So beautiful the selfie and the photo of the fisherman with the heron.
    Have a pleasant weekend, greetings from Turin!

  11. HI JOhn. The young Gossling is sure growing up fast! Good to see the Rain John - it'll green things up nicely for the Summer Months. REgards. KEV.

  12. I love your selfie! And pretty much everything else, John. Great shots and congratulations on becoming a real trooper, walking in the rain. I've done a bit of that myself. :-)


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