Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 1 at Green Lake

My May Day walk around Green Lake ...

Slightly later start today for my walk around
Green Lake, Seattle, WA

May 1, 2019  7:21 AM
[Click on images for larger view.]

At Seattle's Green Lake, May 1, 2019

At Seattle's Green Lake, May 1, 2019

At Seattle's Green Lake, May 1, 2019

At Seattle's Green Lake, May 1, 2019

At Seattle's Green Lake, May 1, 2019
I like to see folks stopping and relaxing.

At Seattle's Green Lake, May 1, 2019
Another walk is complete.
Sunny, warm day getting underway.
Replies to comments left for me on yesterday's post ...

DJan asked ....
What will be your new expectations, John, since you've exceeded the previous ones?
Excellent question. Today I will spend some time thinking about what's next for John's Island. My current plan is to continue walking Green Lake. I do think I'm going to cut myself some slack and not worry about when the long trend of daily walks will be interrupted with a day off the trail.

Red said ...
Afternoon walks look like they have much more activity going on.
It is true. I've been impressed with the large number of folks enjoying Green Lake in the afternoons. I expect even more as we get into those warm summer days. Note the comment below from KEV.

KEV closed his comment with ...
Summer is on the way. Cheers. KEV.
So true and thank you KEV. By the way, I love the way Canadians and Australians say Cheers.

Eileen mentioned ...
I enjoy the people photos.
Thanks, Eileen, for mentioning that. I like people photos too and I'm going to start including more of them in the posts.

Thanks to all who leave me kind comments.

Couple of shots of last night's evening sky ...

Looking northwest from Seattle to the Olympics
a little before sunset, last day of April
April 30, 2019  8:07 PM

A few minutes after sunset.
April 30, 2019  8:18 PM


  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    do i have to say it ... I love twilight shots

  2. Ahh...a lovely walk and an amazing sunset.

  3. Sure is a pretty lake you walk around.
    The sunset is beautiful.

  4. I like your posts very much, but especially the heron shots. Such a fine bird, much like you, John. Whatever you decide, I suspect that the morning walk will continue on for a bit longer. :-)

  5. Your sunsets are brilliant. thanks for keeping track of them for us.

  6. ...John, for the most part it seems that you are able to enjoy your walk without a lots of other people around. Something that I would enjoy. I hope that you found your day as beautiful as the beginning and end.

  7. Love the scenery. The third and fourth pictures are my favourites,but all are lovely.The sunset shots are beautiful as well. Thanks for your very kind comments on my blog.I have to admit that often these are what keep me blogging.

  8. Gorgeous scenery and fabulous sky shots.

  9. Hello, your first day of May looks beautiful. Lovely views of the lake and trees. The great weather does bring more people outside. Gorgeous sky shots. Enjoy your day!

  10. Hi John- Those shots of the 'Evening Sky' are just superb. On "cheers"- the first time it was said to me was from an English chap about thirty odd years ago- it was as i understand it- an English thing...somehow I tend to end my comments with "cheers"...though I do prefer "Regads. KEV".


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....