Saturday, May 18, 2019

May 18 at Green Lake

An early Saturday morning walk around Green Lake ...

At the start of today's early walk.
Partly cloudy, zero wind, just a tad chilly ... perfect for a walk.
At Green Lake, Seattle, WA, May 18th  5:37 AM

Mallard family.
Mom is behind the little ones and Dad is staying a bit
farther away.

At Green Lake, May 18, 2019
 Linking up today with Saturday's Critters #283

Nearly done with the walk.
I like the green trees and the reflections.

At Green Lake, May 18, 2019

The walk is done and the sun is up.
At Green Lake, May 18, 2019
 A couple more pics, just for good measure ...

Snapped from home.
The Norwegian Joy cruise ship arriving in Seattle this morning.
She is returning from a 7 day cruise up to Alaska.

May 18, 2019  5:00 AM

Last night's sunset was pretty amazing.
May 17, 2019  8:28 PM
On the clock we are now 4 hours later than the earliest
sunsets in December. And the sun is setting nearly as
far north on the western horizon as it will before
summer solstice.


  1. Hi John, I am just smitten with that picture of the ship with all the lights on. I have never taken a cruise---got all the way to a ship once and they cancelled due to a FIRE on board...that was "it"for me. lol

    Thanks for playing along on the garden game. Your vote is counted. Now- just so you know- I make fun of lots of people when I tally up the results --no insult(s) intended. lol

    Have a great weekend-Diana

  2. Wonderful photos! Love the light in all of these.

  3. ...that first image is dreamy!

  4. Hello, love the duck family. Beautiful captures of the lake, ship and the sunset. Great post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day. Wishing you a great weekend. PS, thanks for the visit and comment on my blog.

  5. Beautiful photography, John. The reflections off the water from the cruise ship is stunning! Thanks so much for you kind comments on my blog this week.

  6. Oh wow! I love the tall green trees and the reflections, but then I saw the ship and the light reflections. WOW! That is spectacular.

  7. Wow you were sure up early today!
    How far is the lake from your house?

  8. Amazing sunset is an understatement. You had your eyes open at the right time.

  9. Wonderful walk, wonderful pictures. I am also impressed with the cruise ship picture. It feels ethereal, otherworldly. :-)

  10. Hello John. Wonderful looking places and beautiful photos. Have a nice sunday.

  11. Love, love, love the photo of the shining boat with light rays!

    Taken from home? Wow! What a view!

  12. That cruise ship is magic. We once saw a similar sight from Vancouver Island heading south on the Inland Passage..:)


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