Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May 22 at Green Lake

Sunrise slowdown today at Green Lake ...

The "official" time for sunrise today in Seattle = 5:24 AM
This snap taken at 5:38 AM just as I arrived at Green Lake.
Ready to start walking.
May 22, 2019
 When I say "sunrise slowdown" I mean due to all the photo ops, of course.

Breaks in the clouds created a real beauty of a sunrise.
At Green Lake, May 22nd

Had to stop for these geese.
If you've been following along that little one is growing up fast.
Question for any birders out there ...
Canadian geese ... Do males and females look exactly alike?
If not, how to determine which is which?
At Green Lake, May 22nd

Almost 1/2 way around the lake ... impressive shadows.
At Green Lake, May 22nd

Look carefully ... near the bottom of the picture ...
Yes, that's someone going for an early morning swim.
I'll bet that water is cold!
I admire it, but don't think I have the fortitude! :-)
How about you?
At Green Lake, May 22nd

Goose Gathering!
Mostly Canadian Geese and a couple of Mallards too.
At Green Lake, May 22nd

I had no idea this activity would be so popular.
Now that it has warmed up I see them everyday.
At Green Lake, May 22nd


  1. What a beautiful sunrise and reflection on the water.
    That is an early sunrise. Here by me it was at 5:56.

  2. Beautiful sunrise. Yes, Canada geese look the same for the sexes. It might be that one is slightly larger, but unless seen side by side it would be hard to tell.

  3. I can't tell you about male and female geese. But I can tell you that there are great differences in Canada geese . some scientists want to divide them into 6 separate species. one is a quarter of the size of the largest geese.

  4. Wow! You got some great pictures, John. We have a wildlife sanctuary about 3 miles from our house that I go past every day of life. It is full of Canadian geese. Last night my grandboy and I counted over 100 babies!!!!

    No swimming in that cold water for me!!! Have a great night, John. Oh- I did a Pick Your Favorite Results (garden) on my blog tonight. I might have picked on you just a bit- lol

  5. Vackra bilder av soluppgången, det gäller att vara uppe tidigt för att fånga det speciella ljuset.
    Trevligt med bekanta fåglar, Canada gäss. Vi har dem här också, i mina ögon ser de exakt likadana ut men en riktig fågelkännare kan säkert se skillnader.

    Önskar dig en trevlig dag!

  6. That young gosling is sure growing up fast. I hope he's past the snack stage for predators. Love the pictures, John. Thank you. :-)


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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