Monday, May 20, 2019

May 20 at Green Lake

Raining very lightly this morning at Green Lake ...

At the start of today's walk around Green Lake
May 20, 2019  5:38 AM
Thanks to the earth's tilt on its axis we get a variation in the amount of daylight thoughout the year that, at Seattle's northern latitude, varies from about 16 hours, on June 21, the longest day, to about 8 1/2 hours, on December 21, the shortest day. I've learned to appreciate the difference. Today, for example, I am able to start my walk just after 5:30 AM, with plenty of light for a walk. However, as you can see in the next two photos, the amount of light wasn't enough to get perfect focus. Add to that just a tiny amount of movement and the pics don't have the sharpness I like. Even so, I loved seeing the little duckling resting on a rock with mom nearby. I watched them for a moment and, of course, they started to work on breakfast.

At Green Lake, May 20th

At Green Lake, May 20th

At Green Lake, May 20th
I need to do more research but I think these are folks
getting lessons in rowing.
 Yesterday ...

Aboard Washington State Ferry MV Hyak
May 19, 2019
We spent most of yesterday, Sunday, across Puget Sound, near Shelton, Washington. Although we could have driven all the way over there, we decided to take one of the State Ferries just for fun. We ended up aboard MV Hyak both going over and coming back. On our return trip we missed the 4:15 PM sailing by 5 minutes. All was not lost as we ended up first car in line for the 5:30 sailing. As we crossed the Sound I was able to snap a couple of pics of downtown Seattle as we approached. The afternoon sun was lighting up the scene nicely. As you can see in the picture above, and those below, it was the next best thing to driving on the water.

Approaching Seattle on Ferry Hyak
May 19, 2019

Zoomed out to capture downtown Seattle
Aboard Ferry Hyak

May 19, 2019
 April 2, 2019 ...

Here on the blog, on April 2nd, I posted some pictures of the cherry trees in bloom at the University of Washington campus. On my drive over to the UW I went by djan's restaurant on 45th Street. In the past I've driven by several times and always thought I should snap a pic for my loyal follower DJan who publishes one of my favorite blogs Eye on the Edge. So, on April 2nd, I had the camera ready and snapped the pic below for DJan. Hi DJan, hope you enjoy! 😊

djan's on 45th Street, Seattle, WA


  1. Hello John!

    Jag skriver pÄ svenska, det gÄr sÄ mycket enklare sÄ jag hoppas du kan översÀtta med google translate.

    Hamnade hÀr av en tillfÀllighet och tyckte det var trevligt det jag lÀste, du Àr sÀkert en djurvÀn precis som jag, annars hade du inte sett den lilla fÄgelungen med sin mamma.

    Fantastiskt vacker vy över Seattle, har aldrig varit dÀr - lÄngt borta Àven om vÀrlden numera inte Àr sÄ stor.



    1. Hello Gunilla!
      Thank you for a very kind comment! For my English readers, please let me translate ...
      I write in Swedish, it goes so much easier so I hope you can translate with google translate.

      Ended up here by coincidence and thought it was nice what I read, you are probably an animal lover just like me, otherwise you would not have seen the little chick with her mother.

      Amazingly beautiful view of Seattle, has never been there - far away even though the world is not so big now
      Also for my English readers ...
      Check out Gunilla's blog ... wonderful photography!
      Thanks again Gunilla!

  2. Wish I could do my walk at 5:30 AM. That time is when I can finally sleep.

    Love the photos!

  3. What nice, your pictures. I love the ducks.

  4. Hey DJan's blog is one of my favorites too!

  5. Great picture of the mom and baby duck. :)

  6. Thank you, John! If I ever make it to that place, I'll definitely go inside and introduce myself. Love your pretty ducks, the soft focus suits them. And those ferry pictures are gorgeous! Another walk to add to the mix. :-)

  7. Your views of the Seattle skyline are spectacular. Low light can make good photos really hard to achieve.Sometimes, like in your shots today, it's the subject matter that is most important.


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