Thursday, May 2, 2019

May 2 at Green Lake

Scenes from May 2nd walk around Green Lake ...

One of Green Lake's Bald Eagles
Highlight of my walk today

May 2, 2019

It sort of looked like he/she was looking down at me.
Bald Eagle, Green Lake, Seattle, May 2, 2019

Breeze is ruffling some feathers.

Just to give some perspective.
Red arrow shows eagle's position.
The tree must be about 50' tall.
I'm snapping the pics from about 100'+ away.

One last snap of the eagle.
Green Lake, May 2, 2019

Getting back to my start photo ... here's how it looked.
Overcast, but not too cold. Dry!
Good walk weather.

May 2, 2019  6:25 AM

I mentioned in an earlier post that I would start including a
few more pics with people in them.
In over two months, this is the first time I've seen a
couple of folks swimming. Yes, they had on wet suits.

Friends of Green Lake website
suggests water temp of about 55F (13C)

This photo taken yesterday afternoon from home.
Bulk Carrier ship

Prabhu Mihikaa
is at anchor awaiting a spot at the grain facility.
In the meantime, it just finished getting refueled.
In the distance ... Bainbridge Island
At the bottom ... Elliott Bay Marina


  1. Hello, Awesome captures of the Bald Eagle. They are always a treat to see. Glad you had a nice walk, I would the water to be much warmer before I could swim there. I guess the wet suits keep them warm. Great photos. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead.

  2. ...John, you sure must have a great lens! I'm envious.

  3. That eagle looks so good from so far away. You must have a long lens! Thanks for sharing your lake pictures!

  4. Nice to see that eagle. What a beauty. Thanks for linking up today, John. Have a great weekend.

  5. Great photos of the eagle. It is interesting to see its location too.

  6. So cool. The closest I came to wildlife today was sitting in my back yard, looking up from my laptop and finding a groundhog staring back at me. Not exactly as exciting as a bald eagle might have been. Alana

  7. Great pictures of the eagle.
    I could never get a picture like that with my cell phone. Sometimes I really miss my camera!!

  8. I love your eagle shots, John. He looks very close in a couple of those pictures. Thanks for showing where he/she was sitting. :-)

  9. Hello John, amazing images of the eagle. I like your nice walks around Green Lake and your always wonderful photos.
    Have a pleasant day, greetings from Turin!

  10. Nothing beats an eagle sighting.

    Though a sunset is close.

  11. Thank you for sharing your wonderful moments, John


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