Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April 30 at Green Lake

Spring Afternoon Walk -- Last day of April, 2019

Walk #61 -- Every day March and April -- Walking around Green Lake -- About 3 miles each walk -- OR about 183 miles in the last two months. I've exceeded my own expectations.

Blue skies and warm temps at the start of today's walk around
Green Lake, Seattle, WA
April 30, 2019  3:45 PM
[Click on images for larger view.]

Turtles are enjoying the sun.
April 30th at Green Lake
The temperature was in the upper 60s ... about 67F (19 - 20C) during
today's walk. Just about perfect. 

An American Coot looks back at me as if to say, What are you looking at?
April 30th at Green Lake
Most of my walks in March and April have been early in the mornings. Other obligations today pushed my walk start into the afternoon. I'm impressed with so many differences. Not quite, but almost like walking in a different place.

First time I've noticed the buds on this tree and just happened
to catch a contrail in the moment.
The afternoon light give me a whole new perspective.
April 30th at Green Lake

It's this kind of day.
April 30th at Green Lake

I snapped this pic because it brought to mind my high school
English teacher. He, of course, wanted us to build our vocabulary.
One of his favorite words = ubiquitous
So now I can tell you the following ...
Cellular phones seemed to be ubiquitous today at
Green Lake.  :-)
April 30th at Green Lake

Thinking back to those days in early March ... this was the
kind of scene I couldn't wait to see.
GREEN at Green Lake
April 30th at Green Lake

One of my better captures of one of the many Mallard couples.
April 30th at Green Lake

I love seeing stuff like this.
April 30th at Green Lake
 A few pics of LAST night's evening sky ... pics taken from home ...

Looking west from Seattle over Puget Sound
toward Bainbridge Island and on to the Olympic
Mountain Range
April 29, 2019  8:08 PM

April 29, 2019
8:06 PM

April 29, 2019
The sun sinks behind the Olympic Mountains
(as seen from Seattle)
To those of you who have been leaving me all the kind comments ... Thank you!


  1. What will be your new expectations, John, since you've exceeded the previous ones? I look forward to May Day. :-)

  2. Afternoon walks look like they have much more activity going on.

  3. Hi John- Well you've come up with the goods yet again- fabulous photos you've taken- just magnificent. I like the pair of Mallards and the three Turtles enjoying the sun - fairly warm there in Seattle at that time of the day- Summer is on the way. Cheers. KEV.

  4. Hello, John! Beautiful series of photos from your walk. I enjoy the people photos. The sky is lovely too. The turtles and ducks are cute. Beautiful trees and blossoms. Enjoy your day, have a great week ahead. Happy May to you!

  5. The greens are really coming out in full splendour. The weather sounds about perfect. Can you send us some warmer weather, please. It's just been chilly.


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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