Saturday, April 13, 2019

April 13 at Green Lake

Yet another walk in the rain at Green Lake this morning ...
Yes, another rainy day.
Personally I don't like walking with an umbrella but
some folks do.
Cool, breezy, and rain, but I still enjoyed the walk.
Green Lake, Seattle
April 13, 2019  6:42 AM

Just minutes into the walk spotted the GBH.
#1 of 2 spotted this morning.
This one seemed to have an eye on me. I don't like to disturb them.
April 13, 2019  6:48 AM
Linking up today with Saturday's Critters

Zoomed back from the GBH for more of the surroundings.
Note all the little black ducks under the tree.
April 13, 2019  6:48 AM

Very little traffic on the way to Green Lake this morning.
I've got the path to myself for the most part.
April 13, 2019  6:55 AM

Pink blossoms fall from the trees and line the path.
April 13, 2019  6:59 AM
Green Lake, Seattle, WA

Spotted the second Great Blue Heron.
One of their secrets must be patience.
April 13, 2019  7:16 AM

Closer look at the Heron
These birds must have been first in line when they
were passing out the long necks.

Almost done with another walk.
I liked the looks of this old budding tree.
April 13, 2019  7:35 AM
Notes to self ...

Loved getting an email from friends/followers Richard and Gloria who are currently on a cruise from L.A. to the South Pacific and back. Richard knows I am envious of the voyage and curious about sailing over the Equator. He has a brand new iPad (which is a whole nother story) and here is what he said in the email, "I bet you never thought you would see a yellow equator line across the ocean ... found a drawing app on the new iPad and bingo one yellow line." Thank you Richard! :-)

Yes, there IS a line on the Equator!
I just knew it had to be there.
Thank you Richard and Gloria!


  1. The walk way is lovely and the Heron.

  2. Hello, you a a devoted walker to be out there in the rain. Love your beautiful Heron photos. The herons do have a lot of patience. I assume the ducks found a spot to stay dry. Neat photo from you friend on the cruise. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thanks so much for leaving me a comment.

  3. I walked about the same distance this morning, once around Lake Padden is 2.6 miles, and I was happy to learn that my rain jacket kept me significantly less wet than previous iterations. I also had on rain pants and waterproof gloves, but although the others went another loop of the lake, I decided to stop and to find some coffee. :-)

  4. ...seeing these heron is the reward for walking in the rain. Who knew that the Equator was yellow.

  5. I knew it! There IS a line. ;-)

    I think there's an old Star Trek episode where they view the Earth from above and you can see the lines and words on the states. Ha ha. I may be imagining that...

  6. Some times I can watch the blue heron long enough to see it make a catch.

  7. Good to hear that the rain doesn't stop you from walking and still enjoying it.I like the pink line of fallen petals along the path.

  8. Wonderful heron shots! I'm not a fan of umbrellas either. I enjoy walking in a soft rain in warm weather.


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