Monday, April 15, 2019

April 15 at Green Lake

Monday's walk at Green Lake ...

Sun is coming up earlier each day and finally getting a little
more light in the sky at the start of my walk.

April 15, 2019  6:17 AM
Spotting the heron ...

One has to be watching and it helps to know the heron's favorite places in order to spot them for photos. Next 3 pics show what I mean. 

Only 1 heron spotted this morning and lucky that I saw this one.
April 15, 2019  6:24 AM

Zoomed in a little more.
Now you see the heron, right?
April 15, 2019  6:24 AM

Great Blue Heron at Green Lake this morning.
April 15, 2019  6:24 AM
Weather notes ... This morning the skies were partly cloudy, the temperature about 44F, and little or no wind. After several rainy mornings, today was totally dry. And, yes, although 44F may scare folks from southern states, it's actually a great temperature when combined with the right clothing for a fast paced walk. I'm usually chilly at the start but warm enough within a few minutes.

Nearly finished with the walk around the lake.
These crew folks are dedicated!
April 15, 2019  6:57 AM

Another walk is done.
April 15, 2019 7:07 AM
Wow, we are already half way through April!


  1. ...John, you sure get an early start! Now tell me, do you walk clockwise or counter clockwise?

    1. Thanks Tom, that's a great question. The paved path is divided with a yellow line. Signs ask walkers to stay on the side closest to the Lake and for people on wheels to stay on the side away from the Lake. The signs say walkers may go in either direction but that wheels should go only counter clockwise. I have read that people get upset by folks who don't obey the park signs, and, yes, it annoys me too. However, Park Authorities say the path suggestions are not legal requirements and enforcement is up to "peer pressure." How about that? :-) Now, to answer your question, I do walk in the walk lane and usually clockwise. :-)

  2. I saw the heron in the second picture but was sure glad you put the third one in to reassure me that I was seeing it. I'm watching the Notre Dame cathedral burning to the ground on TV. It's terrifying and emotionally draining to watch. :-(

  3. Hello John! April is going by quickly. The heron is a daily sighting at the lake, they are a great bird to see on your walk. Lovely images. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead!

  4. We saw a heron 'posing' on Saturday. Elegant.

  5. I suppose that one of these days you'll start your walk with the sun up!

  6. Hi John, how long is your walk and is that a circle around the lake? My Steve is very familiar with Green Lake, but I only know it from passing it when we went to visit his grandma. She lived on 11th NE in the U District. What a lovely place to walk :)

  7. Beautiful picture once again. I di see the Heron,even in the first picture.

  8. Hi John. Boy- you sure are setting a cracking pace with the Walking about Green Lake and keeping your Daily Posts going...good going there! I'm having leg problems at the momement- seems that some weeks ago an Elevator Door closed onto my right leg- it has been giving me some trouble ever since...My Doctor prescribed CELEBREX ( Anti-Inflamatory) yesterday- Well I'm completely allergic to it! Fortunate my Pharmasist gave me some Anti-Histamines to SAVE me! ..cannot take a trick at the moment. Best Wishes. KEV.


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