Monday, April 8, 2019

April 8 at Green Lake

"April showers bring ... "

Another rainy walk this morning but Green Lake is still beautiful.

Green Lake, Seattle, WA
April 8, 2019  6:55 AM

GBH at Green Lake this morning.
GBH = Great Blue Heron
April 8, 2019  6:45 AM
The zoom on my camera makes it look like I am closer
to the heron than I am. I don't want to disturb them.
One of these days when the light is brighter at this time
of morning I expect to get some sharper pics.

Back near the start of my walk and I see that the GLC is already at work.
GLC = Green Lake Crew
April 8, 2019  6:40 AM 

Walk is done, looking east over the lake.
April 8, 2019  7:37 AM
Notes to self ...

It occurred to me during this morning's walk ... if this blog thing is going to be like a journal then I need to add some notes to jog my memory. Who knows, maybe I'll be lucky and live to look back at this stuff in 10 years or so. Anyway, I publish all this for myself, not for others. So, if you are not me and reading this, it may be totally uninteresting. I understand that. On the other hand, if you find it interesting, I like that too.

Today I was thinking about how lucky I was to do my 31-day challenge to walk around Green Lake every day, in March, in mostly DRY conditions. Some followers even commented they were surprised there was not more rain. Well, that was March, and it was a bit unusual to be so dry. April is another story and is, so far, following the old saying, "April showers bring May flowers". We are definitely getting the showers so we'll see about the flowers. Today wasn't too bad ... showers at the start but mostly dry near the end.

I like dogs! Here's a pic taken this morning ...

I like folks like this who know how to manage their dogs. So many do not! This man is walking his dogs off on the side of the paved path even though it's all wet over there. What bugs me are the folks who walk their dogs on the path, on the leash (legally) and the leash forms a blockade across the path for other walkers/joggers etc. Even worse ... the folks who won't spend the time to train their dogs so the dogs are literally pulling them down the path and creating a bit of pandemonium every time the dogs see other dogs (or other animals, and even sometimes humans). Yes, I love dogs most of the time.


  1. hey...the journal-ling is a great idea!!

  2. Hello, I do enjoy your walks around the lake. The views are lovely. Great capture of your heron friend, it is a daily sighting now? Most of the dog walkers we meet are very courteous. Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

  3. ...Hi John, I've never been to Seattle, but have visited your southern neighbors in Portland many times. From your images I can see why Seattle is a popular destination. Keep up with your daily walks, I tend to cheat m=now and then. Enjoy your week.

  4. I sure have enjoyed the walks you make around Green Lake. As long as you decide to continue to do this, it should be fun for at least two people. :-)

  5. The first shot is my favorite!

  6. I so agree with you about the dogs. I've had my share of problems with dogs running lose. I'd rather come across wild animals who run away from you! :)
    As long as the rain isn't cold it is actually nice to walk in it. :)
    You sure have a pretty lake to walk around.

  7. Green Lake is a beautiful place. Your last photo of it today almost looks like a painting.It is gorgeous. I do enjoy reading your thoughts, but you already knew that. Keep it up John.

  8. You always manage to put something else in with your walk. Walks give you photos and topics.

  9. Hi John- Wow! That first photo of Green Lake is like a Painting- I'd be tempted to get that one framed. Good Health there. Cheers. KEV.


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