Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 24 at Green Lake

Nice day on the way. Good walk at Green Lake this morning.

Arrived at Green Lake early and this was the first photo snapped.
At Seattle's latitude we are now into the longer hours of daylight.
Total daylight today is just over 14 hours.
Sunrise today 6:04 AM, This photo snapped at 6:00 AM
April 24, 2019

For anyone stopping by here for the first time ... here's the deal: I've been working on a little personal challenge to walk daily, about 3 miles, around a nearby lake. It's called Green Lake and it's in Seattle, Washington, here in the Pacific Northwest, USA. During each walk I try to take a couple of photos and then, once back home, post them here on John's Island. I don't claim any brillance on the photos ... just shots of stuff I like or find interesting. The underlying goal is just to get out and get a little exercise and put a little bit of this blogging hobby to work creating a sort of journal I can look back on in the future. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful comments!

I liked the reflections.

April 24, 2019 at Green Lake, Seattle

This business of being Crew requires some serious dedication.
They've already arrived at the Lake, have the shells in the water,
and are at work. This kind of thing inspires me, but I think
I better stick to walking, OR perhaps the job of the one
in the RED coat in the "motorized" boat! :-)

A photo taken on yesterday's walk.
I somehow forgot to add it to the post.
I found "this couple" apparently asleep in the early afternon.
April 23, 2019 at Green Lake

I wondered ... could I sleep standing on one leg?
Hmmm ... :-)

Today's walk is done.
There are breaks in the clouds and the Weather Service has
forecast a mostly sunny day. It is rather common this time of year
to have morning clouds that burn off to a beautiful blue sky later in the day.
April 24, 2019  6:50 AM


  1. ...I wish that I could stand on one leg and balance for an extended time.

  2. Hello, another nice walk. Pretty sunrise! Love the ducks and views of the lake. Wishing you a happy day!

  3. I've missed "my" walk around Green Lake. I haven't been here for a few days.

    Could I sleep on one leg? Sometimes I think I could!

  4. The only thing better than following your daily walks here, would be to walk alongside of you and get the exercise and see the sights myself. Great pictures.

  5. Another fine day for walking. :)

  6. I have been enjoying your walks very much and hope they continue for many days and weeks and months to come! :-)

  7. About the sleeping duck. It's not could I sleep on one leg but could I even stand on one leg!!!

  8. Hello John,
    thanks for sharing your daily walks around Green Lake, I always enjoy them so much. The images are beautiful, with great landscapes.
    Many greetings from Turin!


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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