Monday, July 7, 2014

Northern Pacific Gardiner Depot

Some of you may recall when we posted the image above in 2011. This is a view of the Northern Pacific Railroad Depot in Gardiner, Montana.  This particular photo is a scan of what is known as a "lantern slide" ... those were images on glass used with lantern projectors to create some of the earliest slide shows back around the turn of century nineteen to twenty. (1899-1900)

There is no railroad service to Yellowstone National Park today. There has never been any railroad service INTO the Park, however, as you can see in the image, there was service close to the northern entrance, in Gardiner, and there was also service close to the western entrance, West Yellowstone, by Union Pacific Railroad. Rail service to YNP was discontinued when public favor switched from trains to private cars and airplanes as a way to travel (around mid-century 1900s).

Here are some more views of the interesting Gardiner Depot ...

First, an enlargement of the view above ...

Early on, travelers boarded stage coaches here and
entered the Park through the Roosevelt Arch
constructed in 1903, the
"gateway to Yellowstone"

From another very early lantern slide, a view of the depot from the other side ... this would be looking to the southwest.
The clarity of this image is pretty neat given the age.
The camera used here was probably one that
created images on large glass plates.

From an old postcard an overall view during the time of "automobile stages" ...

Note that the N P gives credit to the photographer
Asahel Curtis. He was famous for his photography
Alaska and the Northwest.

Read more about Asahel Curtis, famous photographer of Alaska and the Northwest, here.

Lastly, from another old card, a view of the covered platform, highlighting the log construction. This station was frequently cited as being one that wonderfully suited the location.

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Interesting! I never knew there were ever trains to YNP.

  2. I like these lantern slides. Actually I like slides of all kinds, lol!

    Interesting you post about YNP today. Just yesterday I saw a television program which was talking about the earthquake at YNP. I think it was in the 50s. It was quite something.


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....