Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fun All the Time in Buffalo [1954]

From our old postcard collection we are going back to 1954 to have "Fun all the time" at the Paradise Ranch in Buffalo, Wyoming ...

Postmark is strong but writing has faded so much
we can't read all of it.

A good fence and some nice looking horses.
These are called "real photo" postcards
among collectors.

 This one was not used.
We posted another card from Paradise Ranch last year in this post.

Paradise Ranch is still in operation ... check out their website here.

Linking up today with Good Fences ... thank you Tex!

Does the thought of a vacation at a guest ranch in the USA Rocky Mountains sound interesting to you?

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I like this photo postcard.. The ranch looks like a great place for a vacation..Have a happy day!

  2. That looks like a wonderful ranch. I'm amazed it is still in operation and will definitely check it out! Have a great day.

  3. how neat, love these old postcards!

  4. What interesting time witnesses. I find such old postcards really great.
    I come visiting you from Good Fences.
    ♥ly greetings from germany

  5. Their new marketing is a little more dynamic, ain't it. My wife and I say often that we're moving to Wyoming when it is 95 degrees and 95 percent humidity here in Tampa.

  6. Sign me up, John....I'm ready to go! But wait until summer.

  7. Great old postcards. Love finding them and the history they bring. Thanks for sharing.
    Visiting from Good Fences.

  8. I like the idea of fun all the time. ;))

  9. No, John, I can't say this is something I would look forward to. Dude ranches don't appeal. Then again, there aren't any old women in the pictures, either! :-)

  10. how cute. perfect dude ranch advertisement!

  11. These are wonderful! Great Good Fences post.

  12. I think my parents took me camping in the
    Big Horns near there about that time...:)

  13. I loved seeing these...wish I could read the writing on the back of the one.

  14. Take me back to the days my daddy visited his own cowboy father! Fun to relate these photos to his old album!

  15. The horses and the fence are beautiful. It looks like they sure do have a good time at the ranch,

  16. What a "blast from the past" with these old postcards. The Ranch looks like a cool place and how neat that it is still in operation.

  17. What great older postcards! Glad they are still in operation.

  18. I love looking at old postcards and these fit well into to today's meme.

  19. Oh this is real treat. For us today. Whoooo Hoot HOWDY

    Cow-gals and cowgirls and Good fences Thursday.

  20. I enjoyed the photos from the postcard and am reminded of so many old Western shows and movies! Looks like a perfect place to see Roy Rogers and Dale!

    One of my uncles worked at a dude ranch--probably in the 50s, though I'm not sure when. The ranch work did him good, and he ended up as a sheriff and then judge before retiring. I'd enjoy giving ranching a try for a while just to see what it's like.

    As usual, a very neat find! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  21. They must be doing something right to still be in business after all these years. : ) To be honest, it is not my kind of vacation.

  22. Love this, fun.
    When our son was little, we had friends that had a dude ranch in Colorado and we went there several times. My hubby loved every minute of it...I was always ready to get back home...scared of horses and bears...just a general cry baby. lol

  23. These are fantastic fences, John!


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