Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Only Station of its Kind -- 4 Views [ca 1910]

It's 1910, or there about, and one of the new rail lines from Chicago to Seattle has just opened for passenger service. Of all the stations on the new line there is only one natural log depot ... it's in Musselshell, Montana. Here are 4 cards featuring the station ...

Musselshell, Montana, Depot
about 1910

Compare the following to the first card. It seems to be the same picture, with some color added and minus the smoke from the train's engine. No, we didn't do it with photoshop, but some postcard publisher must have back over 100 years ago. How? ...  We don't know.

Our guess is ... the horse probably was the photographer's. A basic black and white photo must have been hand colored to produce the cards.

The first two cards featured a view of the depot from the back. The following two are views from the front. One thing is for sure ... We don't really know what the true colors were.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I love taking trips back in time by looking at cards like this. Thank you, John!

  2. I read the postcard, too. "Got the barn up and will soon be living in the house. Rain and snow has delayed us some and I have a boil in the palm of my hand which has laid me up from very heavy work lately." Dan (?)

  3. Oh how nice to come here and look at your blogs of what you show.
    And your reads available John.

  4. John, I just love these old train cards and photos. I'd guess the first one is the most natural color of the scene. And it is really unusually that it is constructed from logs. Thanks for the info. Great post.

  5. really cool! perfect for 'the old west'. :)

  6. Very nice cards! I like the view of the railway station!


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