Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January Road Trip

Come along with us on our January 6, 2015, road trip from Southwest Montana to Seattle. After a week of extremely cold temperatures, with snow, conditions warmed up just enough to make the roads safe ... prayers were answered for a safe journey!

Cloudy, snow covered, Southwest Montana
January 6, 2015

Nearly full moon breaking through the clouds
along MT 359 not too far from Harrison.
About 15 minutes to I-90 which takes us to Seattle

Brighter skies, I-90 near Deer Lodge

Mid 30sF ... no ice on road affecting the drive

Clark Fork River near Superior

A few breaks in the clouds

Famous (?) $50,000 Dollar Bar
(Used to be $10,000)

2nd Major Pass today ... Lookout
on the Idaho/Montana border
(1st Pass was Pipestone near Butte)

Mid-day Welcome to Idaho

Another pass named Fourth of July
(Name comes from Lewis & Clark camp site)

Late afternoon -- Nearing Columbia River

Columbia River Crossing

Dusk ... Nearing Snoqualmie Pass

About an hour to home!
Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. It looks like it was a safe and rather adventurous trip, John. Thanks for taking me along. :-)

  2. John, be really careful, as the wet roads can turn to ice really quickly, as you know. In any case, thanks for taking us along. I'll stay in the south, thanks, until it warms up!

  3. beautiful! can feel the cold in these!

  4. My wife and I caught a couple shows about buying a home in Montana...and are ready to move up thataways...except for the cold. I think we'll be staying in Florida.

  5. Looks like nice fun trip. You took a great collections of photos along the way. Thanks for taking us with you. : )

  6. Beautiful scenery John, It looks like you made you trip just after the storms passed. So glad for answered prayers.

  7. Be careful John, brrr ... snowy. But I love you photos. beautiful trip and area.

  8. The scenes along the way must have shortened the time.Glad you had good roads and a safe trip.

  9. Wonderful photos! Hope all is going well on your winter journey...not too much snow during this time for severe weather!


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....