Thursday, January 1, 2015

Starting Our 5th Year

Our first post in our first-full-year of blogging was January 1, 2011.  So today we begin our 5th year.

We did a web search for “developmental milestones for the 5th year”. While we did not find any for a blog, we did find …

Skills your child may achieve in her/his 5th year include being able to:
•             Stand on one foot for more than 9 seconds
•             Do a somersault and hop
•             Walk up and down stairs without help
•             Walk forward and backwards easily

Maybe we can apply some of this at John’s Island.

We almost did a somersault and hop (unintentionally) to get the photo below. (Please click to enlarge)

The Sun Ranch
Rocky Mountains of Montana
Late December, 2014
We like to start the year as pure as the driven snow and there was plenty of that where we snapped the photo. Also, the moon was rising above the mountains (look closely) and we took that as a good omen for the year ahead. There's also a good fence in there so we can link up with Good Fences.

We hope to see you stopping by John’s Island often. Happy New Year to you.


  1. Oh, you can count on it! I'll be here every time you pop in my news feed. Happy 2015 to all of us! :-)

  2. Gorgeous shot! Congrats on your fifth year.

  3. Gorgeous scene, I love the sky and moon.. Very pretty shot! I am not sure if would attempt doing a somersault. Happy New Years to you and your family!

  4. beautiful view and great fence, too! laughed at your 5 yr old skills. :)

  5. Happy blog anniversary and a very Happy New Year to you!
    Love that picture - it has what I don't have here - snow :D

    1. Hi Knipsa Passtscho, Thanks for stopping by and the kind comment!

  6. Congratulations on 5 years blogging and this is a beautiful shot. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU.

  7. Congrats to you, and Happy New Year. Love the mountain shot!

  8. Happy New Year John, What a lovely snowy scene you shared. - I think I could manage all on your list except the somersault.

  9. Beautiful photos John.

    All my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year in 2015!

  10. Lovely snow scene!
    Happy New Year!

  11. Awesome photo of the ranch! Congrats on 5 years of blogging and best wishes for many more years of blogging to come (for the sake of readers like me)!

  12. Lovely shot and a Happy New Year to you too. : )


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....