Saturday, January 31, 2015

It's 12:12 All The Time

Report from the Emerald City ...

Pemco's Time and Temp
Usually an accurate indicator of time
and temperature.
Seattle, Washington, USA

Clock is stuck on 12:12 ... hmmmm

It does feel warmer than 12 degrees!
Oh ...


For those of you not into football, here's the story:  This weekend the NFL's 49th Superbowl will be played on Sunday. Our home town team, the Seahawks, will play against the New England Patriots. In football rules, a team can have only 11 players on the field at one time. Seattle's fans have become known as the 12th player ... in the stands, cheering them on. Folks who are into football here love this, others may find it crazy. All around the city the 12s are showing their support for the team in the big game. The Seahawks were winner's in last year's game. Can they do it two years in a row?

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Go, Hawks, Go! This from someone who doesn't watch football, lol. But I did know about the Superbowl game on Sunday :-)

  2. Did you know the Hawks had to pay Texas A&M for use of the 12th man.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks! Now I know who's playing!


      I deleted my first comment to edit it...sorry!

  4. I am not a fan and didn't even know who was playing. : )
    Hope your team wins!!

  5. I am definitely rooting for the Seahawks tomorrow night, sir :)

  6. Hey, in Canada we do have 12 players!

  7. Not a fan of football, but I will be enjoying time with friends while possible watching the game! Maybe I will be visiting too much :)

  8. I am rooting for the Seahawks...Go Hawks Go!

  9. Go Hawks! Makes me smile to see all these 12s around. Already chewing my fingernails. It's always wonderful to see your posts, John. Oh, and just in case it makes a difference: Go Hawks!!!

  10. I always root for the I'll be shouting for Green Bay *wink*


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....