Friday, January 23, 2015

Vintage Sunrise

So far, in 2015, we haven't seen a really colorful sunrise in Seattle. (Yes, we might have been oversleeping, so we're not saying it didn't happen.) We thought ... Well, this is what the archives are for! We decided to start looking back before we were blogging ... These pics are from December, 2006. The location was southwest Montana near Yellowstone National Park. In the first picture you can see the slight snow cover ... it was a cold morning as we remember it. The mountains are known as the Madison Range.

Linking up today with other sky photos at SkyWatch Friday  Thanks to the SkyWatch hosts! There are some wonderful sky photos at this link.

Update on Yesterday's post ...
"Thank You" to those of you, especially DJan, who tried to decipher the shorthand. At least we know it is "Gregg Shorthand" and can do some research with that in mind.

Update on Recent Weather ...
One of our local TV weather persons referred to our recent weather as "The Winter that Wasn't". It has definitely been unusually warm in Seattle with only a very few days of cold. Of course, it isn't over yet! : - )

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Last year in February was when we got our first snow and cold weather, and we're only in mid-January. As you say, it's not over yet. :-)

  2. just beautiful! thanks for bringing it out to share!

  3. Beautiful colors in the sky. Love the contrast from the mountains! Wonderful captures!

  4. Just lovely John! Sometimes I too go through the archives. It is a good way to enjoy all those photos we take :-) Have a good rest of your day.

  5. Such a beautiful sunrise, and I think the winter ones are especially beautiful. Perhaps because the air is colder and crisper than in summer? When you wrote that this is near Yellowstone I loved it even more - Yellowstone is one of my very favorite places, and you can always expect snow there. Once we had it at the beginning of July when we were there - and that was the year with the best wildlife sightings.

  6. I'm glad you went back into the archives. These pictures are too good to hide.Have a great weekend.

  7. So gorgeous! Wish I had been there that day with my camera!

  8. Wow, really beautiful. Reminds me that I need to do a better job of going back through my archives!

  9. Those are some gorgeous skies!

  10. God is a painter!

    Beautiful :)

  11. That is a gorgeous sunrise! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  12. Gorgeous sunrise, I wish they could all look like that.. Great photos!


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....