Friday, January 9, 2015

Gallatin Gateway to Yellowstone Park [1920s]

If you lived in the middle of America in the late 1920s and wanted to see America's first National Park ... the one everyone was talking about ... you might take the train to the new Gallatin Gateway Hotel ... at the newest entrance to the Park. The image above might have been the envelope for your ticket.

The railroad was advertising the new "Gateway" and published the "Striking Endorsements" booklet you see here. If you took the time to read all the endorsements it would be hard not to want to take this tour into the Park. Literally dozens of people sent in their recommendations. Too small to read in our scans but we have some enlargements for you below.

Here is what Wiki has to say .... "The Gallatin Gateway Inn is a Spanish-stucco style railroad hotel at Gallatin Gateway, Montana. The hotel is one of the "Historic Inns of America." Gallatin Gateway Inn was opened on June 18, 1927. Constructed and operated by The Milwaukee Road (Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad), the luxury hotel was reached by an electrified railroad branch line that connected to the Milwaukee's main line at Three Forks, Montana. It was among the first hotels in Montana with telephones in every room, and offered travelers access to Yellowstone National Park. Park buses took passengers from the hotel to the park."

New Gallatin Gateway Inn
Entrance to Yellowstone National Park

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Yellowstone is a beautiful place all by itself. I've been there several times but never that entrance. If I go back, I'll make a point of seeing it. Thanks! :-)

  2. quite the glowing endorsements, as you said. :)

  3. Hello John, I am delighted to have found your refreshing blog. I love the subject matter of your posts and what a fun way for you to share your knowledge of the history and geography of our beautiful country. I feel honored to be able to tag along on your adventures and I love the vintage posters and photos.
    Your newest follower,
    Connie :)

  4. Love your posts. Makes me appreciate the US even more

  5. So delightful to read the comments of folks seeing Yellowstone for the first time. We have yet to visit there, but it's on our bucket list!

  6. Hi John, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the comment of people seeing Yellowstone for the first time. I have been to the U.S....New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, New York and Maine. I haven't been to the U.S. for many years now and the last place I visited was Newport, Vermont. Thank you so much for sharing this, I love seeing things and talking about things from days gone by.

  7. I think about the joy of these visitors and the adventure that lay there ahead of them. Love the testimonials. It would be so interesting to know more about each person and how they came to make their trip to Yellowstone.

  8. So much has changed in 100 years!


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....